Dan Egan on Warren Miller

Dan Egan starred in 12 Warren Miller movies from 1985-1994, skiing daring lines in remote locations worldwide. In 1999 Powder magazine named the Egan brothers among the most influential skiers of our time, and last year, they were inducted into the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame.

Dan and John Egan’s impact on skiing are undeniable, particularly to those who have watched the brothers frequent the Warren Miller catalog of skiing movies throughout the ’80s and ’90s. The duo grew up skiing in the Boston area, first at home in West Roxbury, where the brothers would drag snow from the Mobil station on Richwood Street and pile it on a picnic table at home, then at Blue Hills Ski Area upon the family’s move to Milton.

Dan has been teaching steep camps for more than 20 years, and he’s one of those people who knows how to make you feel comfortable—on your skis, and in your skin.

To learn more about Dan Egan’s Ski Clinics, please check out our website:
